Eric Lim | Professor of Thoracic Surgery | Royal Brompton Hospital
I am an internationally recognised chest surgeon spearheading advancements in thoracic surgery through the development, conduct and delivery of clinical trials to inform and change practice across the world, delivering this expertise to you at a personal level so you can understand and participate in decisions that involve your care.
With decades of experience leading the academic department of thoracic surgery at the Royal Brompton Hospital, I developed systems based care to deliver excellence in clinical outcomes, using innovative approaches for which I am a recognised thoracic surgical expert authority (such as single incision keyhole surgery, drain free surgery). My excellent survival outcomes and very low complications stem from the development of optimum clinical care delivery that is continuously audited and improved upon to achieve pain-free operations so patients are home, confident and healthy in the shortest time (in some cases on the day of surgery).
I provide a complete service supported by a communicative and highly responsive team to guide you on all aspects of logistics and administrative processes in your care from referral to discharge providing excellent communication with you, your relatives and doctors for your ongoing care.
This is my personal website, where you can learn more about me and what I do. Please feel free to review education articles I have written for you, use my app for cancer education, review my patient feedback and / or contact me.
Personalised care | Patient testimonials | Your consultation | What I do | In the Press | News Articles | My team | Research and Education | Contact me