The ESTS 2016

It was a delight to attend the 24th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery in Naples. Once again, the best submissions were presented at the Brompton Session that included clinical trials. Central to the theme of the session was the conclusion of "no difference" in a number of the presentations at the plenary session.

However as some will recall prior to concluding "no difference" in any study, it is vital to be able to define what constitutes a "difference" and for the audience to determine if they agree with the definition. This is because small studies often do not reach conventional levels of statistical significance used to declare that a difference exists.

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On the whole it was certainly an informative session and my congratulations to Dr Wolfram Karenovic on winning the Brompton Prize it has certainly been an  honor and privilege to be able to Chair the session this year.


Thoracic surgeons: innovate or perish